Abstract Algebra

Abstract Algebra

Written by: Pierre Antoine Grillet

  • Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0387715681
  • ISBN-13: 9780387715681
  • eBook-Abstract-Algebra.pdf

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Book Summary

About the first edition:

�The text is geared to the needs of the beginning graduate student, covering with complete, well-written proofs the usual major branches of groups, rings, fields, and modules...[n]one of the material one expects in a book like this is missing, and the level of detail is appropriate for its intended audience.� (Alberto Delgado, MathSciNet)

�This text promotes the conceptual understanding of algebra as a whole, and that with great methodological mastery. Although the presentation is predominantly abstract...it nevertheless features a careful selection of important examples, together with a remarkably detailed and strategically skillful elaboration of the more sophisticated, abstract theories.� (Werner Kleinert, Zentralblatt)

For the new edition, the author has completely rewritten the text, reorganized many of the sections, and even cut or shortened material which is no longer essential. He has added a chapter on Ext and Tor, as well as a bit of topology.

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