Engineering Psychology and Human Performance

Engineering Psychology and Human Performance

Written by: Christopher D. Wickens Justin G. Hollands Simon Banbury Raja Parasuraman

  • Publisher: Psychology Press
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1317351312
  • ISBN-13: 9781317351313
  • eBook-Engineering-Psychology-and-Human-Performance.pdf

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Book Summary

Forming connections between human performance and design Engineering Psychology and Human Performance, 4e examines human-machine interaction. The book is organized directly from the psychological perspective of human information processing. The chapters generally correspond to the flow of information as it is processed by a human being--from the senses, through the brain, to action--rather than from the perspective of system components or engineering design concepts. This book is ideal for a psychology student, engineering student, or actual practitioner in engineering psychology, human performance, and human factors Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: * Identify how human ability contributes to the design of technology. * Understand the connections within human information processing and human performance. * Challenge the way they think about technology's influence on human performance. * show how theoretical advances have been, or might be, applied to improving human-machine interaction

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